Industrial Engineering Design
Our Industrial Engineering (IE) Design courses (IE 4392 and IE 4393) provide a major design experience for senior IE students. The main purpose of this course is to apply IE principles to develop and implement solutions to industrial design problems and/or systems engineering issues. We partner with companies, government agencies, and other organizations to solve their problems, particularly in the application areas shown below.
Areas of application:
1. Facilities planning and logistics
2. Production planning and control
3. Quality engineering and six sigma
4. Supply chain and logistics
5. Sustainable lean manufacturing
6. Health care, transportation systems, and many more...

Our partners will receive the following project deliverables: statement of work (SOW); regular update reports; final presentation and report; models; designs; etc.

Course Logistics: two-semester course; courses runs for 28-30 weeks; class meets twice a week for lectures; three to four students per team; teams are assigned to a faculty mentor.